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Sales Training (Advanced)

Bestehend aus Präsentation + Teilnehmerskript, individuell veränderbar


When do employees have the chance of training a sales conversation without a contract being on the line? Provide your participants with the possibility to train effective negotiating and active selling by intensively exercising their sales skills and abilities.

Leseproben als PDF-Datei einsehen und downloaden

SK_SalesTraining_Adv_Pres.pdf (524.37KB)
SK_SalesTraining_Adv_Pres.pdf (524.37KB)
SK_SalesTraining_Adv_Script.pdf (136.84KB)
SK_SalesTraining_Adv_Script.pdf (136.84KB)

Table of contents


From classic selling to modern selling

Classic Selling

Potential of a sales conversation 

Methods of conversation control 
Controlling a conversation
Effective speaking
Four aspects of a message
Four ways of perception
Expressing negatives in a positive fashion
Killer phrases

Successful sales conclusion
Reinforcing factors for the conclusion of a deal

Product presentation
Goals of a product presentation
Requirements of a successful demonstration

Structure of an active TM conversation
The ideal structure of a telephone call
Important requirements of the conversation manual

Exercise: sales training

Day clearing



75 Seiten Teilnehmer-Skript (MS Word)
25 Seiten Beamer-Präsentation (MS PowerPoint)


Folgende Systemspezifikationen werden vorausgesetzt bzw. empfohlen:

Mindestens: Microsoft® Office 2007

Empfohlen: Microsoft® Office 2010 oder höher

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KOffice usw.) können Formatierungsabweichungen vorkommen.