Trainplan Seminarkonzepte - Eine Marke der BISW Gruppe
Fix und fertige Seminarkonzepte für den direkten Einsatz. Einfach personalisieren und loslegen!

Speaking and Presenting

Bestehend aus Präsentation + Teilnehmerskript, individuell veränderbar


Distinguished personal conduct and linguistic versatility have come to be key qualifications in business life. Speaking or presenting professional conduct is usually a precondition in order to convince employees, customers, or participants of any event. In the seminar, your audience will learn about the basics and the most important techniques to prepare speeches or presentations individually. In practical exercises, your participants will learn how to give speeches or presentations in a convincing way. You will teach them to avoid anxieties and inhibitions and how to use metaphorical language and adequate presentation methods in order to convince their listeners. This seminar concept is free of charge.


Leseproben als PDF-Datei einsehen und downloaden

SK_Speaking_Presenting_Pres.pdf (651.91KB)
SK_Speaking_Presenting_Pres.pdf (651.91KB)
SK_Speaking_Presenting_Script.pdf (187.61KB)
SK_Speaking_Presenting_Script.pdf (187.61KB)

Table of contents


Personal preparation
Calming your body
Calming your mind
Surviving the take-off

Convincing skillfully
Reducing your audience's energy expenditure through picturesque language
Visual language
Presentation media
Practice makes perfect!

Some final remarks

Day clearing


    37 Seiten Teilnehmer-Skript (Word)
    20 Seiten Beamer-Präsentation (PowerPoint)


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    Mindestens: Microsoft® Office 2007

    Empfohlen: Microsoft® Office 2010 oder höher

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    ISBN: TP-ENG-022